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Topic Switching to github By Luchs Date 2018-05-03 19:50
It's on GitHub already, branch openclonk:
Topic Switching to github By Maikel Date 2018-05-03 17:54
Did we have the league repos invisible before or with limited access?
Topic Tower of Despair By Maikel Date 2018-03-04 23:05
Can someone upload the attached images to for a future tower league.

I hereby license the file type_tower_of_despair.png under the CC-BY license

I hereby license the file type_tower_of_despair_16.png under the CC-BY license

I hereby license the file type_tower_of_despair_off.png under the CC-BY license
Attachment: type_tower_of_despair.png (1k)
Attachment: type_tower_of_despair_16.png (608B)
Topic Moving the Website 26.4.2017 By Newton Date 2017-04-27 21:14
I'll leave that but it will actually point to
Topic Moving the Website 26.4.2017 By Sven2 Date 2017-04-27 21:12
What about league? Isn't that set in the openclonk config?
Topic Defense League By Caesar Date 2017-01-21 21:36
When posting league URLs, you need to replace the [ by %5B and the ] by %5D. (And yes, we should fix that somewhere. Probably in the league code…)
Topic Knüppeln! 0.8 By Sayned Date 2017-01-20 09:45
I did one set of icons for Ballsman's spells so I'd like to hear your thoughts. To me it's feels like Ballsman was inspired by Orianna from League of Legends, so I decided to go for similar icons to Orianna's. Let me know what you like about these icons and what you don't like, just so I have better idea of how I should approach painting other champs icons.

Few questions that I have:
Is it okay to have somewhat painterly style for icons?
Is it okay that I decided to pretty much mimic Orianna's icons? (icons I have painted were done from scratch and I've used Orianna's icons as references/inspiration)
Also, I think I've picked wrong colors for Ballsman Q, it won't be very hard for me to adjust the colors to either match color scheme of other icons or ingame sfx, however I felt like if I'd use red/orange colors for this icon, it'd suggest that the spell is offensive.

Last thing, I won't constantly spam icons in this topic and next time I'll post icons I will most likely post all of the finished icons at once. Right now I just want to make sure I have right direction
Attachment: icons.jpg (121k)
Topic Defense League By ala Date 2017-01-19 21:26
Well, not exactly like in OC - but similar. this one from asiaclonk. Might have been the only one in the league.

Quite similar to OC is that one here: ( There sould be a Clonk History Project-2 remake somewhere.. no idea where. )
Topic Defense League By Maikel Date 2017-01-19 21:08
Might be good yes, we can always merge leagues later as well. Were there defense scenarios in CR?
Topic Defense League By ala Date 2017-01-19 20:22
Are there enough scenarios? Maybe make them part of a Adventure league (potential adventure scenarios can be added somewhere in the unknown future)?

In the CR League both genres were also mixed.
Topic Defense League By Maikel Date 2017-01-19 16:15
Dear clonkers, league activity has been very low in OC and I hope we can revive this a little by creating a new league. One for defense scenarios, all of them currently found in Defense.ocf. I added a new scenario in which you can build up your settlement while defending, so it has more strategic elements compared to the existing ones. I also started a test league to see if things work.

The actual idea for the league and the scenarios is the following:
* Scenarios have waves with attackers and there are infinite waves (the waves get harder so you won't survive forever).
* You always win the round and get a number of league points according to the number of waves you survived.
* Each of the rounds has a maximum number of players allowed, as in the settlement league.
* Some exceptional enemies also give you league points.

The current rounds Fight for Gidl and The Guardians of Windmills have a fixed number of waves, but I plan to make them have infinite and make them work with the new defense goal. If there are any objections to that let me know.

I would be happy if some feedback and ideas would be posted here. And am also happy to test some time (~soon).
Topic Question: Goal updates By Sven2 Date 2016-10-09 15:24
A function like IsFulfilled is needed e.g. if someone clicks the goal menu and wants to see all goals and their fulfilled status. Whether the goal upodates its state via a timer, via events or keeps a cached result is up to the goal. IsFulfilled is pretty much the simplest interface you can have. It makes no assumption about how the goal achieves that and the goal does not have to know how often an update is needed.

For example, if a goal menu is open, you want an immediate update. So you call IsFulfilled more often - possibly every frame while the goal is open. If it's a league game, you may want to ask the goal more often as well (that was done e.g. in CR in the settlement league). If a sequence trigger is bound to a goal fulfilled status, it may also check the goal more often and also check inactive goals.

If the periodic call to the expensive check operation were done in the goal (i.e.: each goal that cannot work with events keeps its timer), then the goal would have to decide how often to update itself, even though it doesn't know that. If the goal were to do a timer and then inform everyone else of its change, you have a much more complex interface:
1. The refresh rate would be fixed and a goal user (such as the HUD) had no way to speed it up. If you wanted that, then each goal would have to implement something like SetCheckTimerInterval
2. Each goal would have to keep a list of potential users to callback to. You'd need to write a callback list (or hardcode all potential goal status users in the goal object - that's bad design because it would increase inter-dependencies)
3. Each goal that cannot work based on an event would have to implement its own timer.

Of course that extra logic could be hidden in Library_Goal and goals just keep either implementing IsFulfilled or have a property telling the controller "I work via events", and call SetFulfilled () (in that case, the default implementation of IsFulfilled would just check a variable defined in Library_Goal). It's a more complex interface. The upside would be that it saves having a timer for some goals (the ones that can be decided by an event).
"The Lost Crown" is an adventure with intro, dialogues and a custom goal!

Two simple parkour scenarios from our earlier sessions are also included. These are test scenarios we created to try our the network mode of the new editor. All scenarios are built without scripting, using just the new editor action and property boxes.

Download here: EditorTestScenarios.ocf
Requires the latest snapshot: Nightly Build


Thanks to Clonkonaut, DerWipf, jok, K-Pone, Kanibal, Luchs and Maikel for building and testing!

(Scenario dialogues in German only. Sorry.)
Topic problems beating acid rift on insane By Maikel Date 2016-07-19 15:33
The point is that you can still play the round on hard in single player and beat it. We also need rounds that are hard in multiplayer and because of the competitive element (possible league games) it is a bad idea to make the difficulty player number dependent.
Topic problems beating acid rift on insane By Armin Date 2016-07-19 12:33

>I think each world should be beatable in single player on normal difficulty,

I assume everybody agrees on that. I prefer optional promoting solutions like the good times in the settlement league. But as long as there are no coming worlds that are so hardcore that a single pro cant beat them on Normal just to force ppl into online gaming, it doesn't bug me either.

>Regarding Acid Rift, I imagine that if you are good enough and have some luck with the landscape and meteorites that you can even beat this round alone on insane.

Since Acid Rift is the only map where this has been questioned so far and you think it's possible, it might be already possible to get all gold badges in Singeplayer.
Topic Melee league score decay By Sven2 Date 2016-07-17 04:48
Since we're a bit more active in the league now and to promote even more active play, I've enabled score decay to a very low number of 5 points per week (that's only 260 points in a year, which I think shouldn't be that bad).

Of course if you play team games, you will get the decay points back automatically through the team bonus points.

(I don't know if the decay actually works because I'm not sure if the cronjob is running)
Topic problems beating acid rift on insane By Armin Date 2016-07-15 00:20

>I also don't like when you are penalized for playing with more people.

Yeah that would suck anyway. It is an extra bonus challenge to finish hard maps without others. I remember that there was a noname in CR who played all settlement league scens and Seven Keys took him 11(!) hours.
Topic Question from a two day old noob... By Zapper Date 2016-04-10 17:04
Heyo! Happy to hear that you like the game :)

>Additionally are there any scenarios that enable something like "freeplay"

You can usually click on "Continue this round" in the evaluation dialogue after you fulfilled the goal. That prevents the game from being over.

Other than that, enabling all knowledge for a round is pretty easy.
You can even do that after having started the round! For that you just have to enable debug mode (CTRL + F5) and then enter
/script GivePlayerAllKnowledge(0) where the 0 is your player number (try increasing it if it doesn't work - you can also check the correct number with /script GetPlayerName(0))

PS: I am not 100% sure about the rules for when the debug mode is disallowed. It's not possible in league games and when you are a client in a network game at least.

>>In which other situations did it have the same benefit?

in melees: two weapons sword + javelin (would probably work with Q too), sword+sword, sword+shield, two muskets, sword and club (club to throw back incoming items in case no shield is available)), club + any other item as baseball (apparently works with Q as well)
in settlement situations: as mentioned: the lanterin (or in the future maybe torchlight) + shovel when searching for a certain thing in the underground (However that is a special case, as the shovel/pickaxe use two hands already)

So by checking the played rounds (League), you find Brunnen(Well?), Schmelzendes Schloss (melting castle?), aerobatics, magma moles and very popular Heißes Eis (hot ice?). All scenarios that have eigher the windbag available, or the shield. In magma moles and dark mine (even though dark mine not so popular) would even make the light-source combo potentially becoming very sensible even in melee scenarios.

I am pretty sure right now also "knueppeln" is very very popular right now, which would not benefit from that feature, aproximately 80% of the scenarios at least offer items for which this feature would come in handy.
about the situations, that is of course much harder to determine. As far as I can recall, in Heißes Eis, any airbag combos are quite popular to shoot arount items or yourself, as well as club combos. In Schmelzendes Schloss, the Windbag is the most popular item for movement at least. furthermore there is a large quantity of these ice bridges(a mod for the metal bridge pack) available, which commonly are used while jumping (however I am to un-skilled to do that in a combo with that windbag thingy). And Brunnen everything is very chaotic, so 2 guns/ two swords would fit very well into that mess and the shield combo may become a popular counter agains that chaos.
So All in all, the most popular scenarios (not counting the knueppeln stuff) offer the requirements( the sensible items) and quite some situations.

Plus the benefit as mentioned, that it looks pretty neat, adds to the coolness factors.
Plus the impression (just my personal impression) that in games where it is not possible to wield two items are somewhat lost in past times and I usually missed that feature vs dual wielding became the standard. Most of RPGs seem to have implemented that feature now (started with Diablo 2 maybe, more than a decade ago). Another example was an online game called Biosfear, where they implemented that feature quite late, because a well supported request by the customers.

And as also already mentioned, we may like it or not, but we usually are compared to Terraria, Starbound&Co, which also includes that feature (I am not sure about Terraria, but at least there is a mod that implemented that).
Seeing Openclonk does not have it, is quite a lack.

It may be true that it does not feel more or less intuitive than the right-click throw & left-click use and Q, but according to my feeling playing Starbound, the controls there felt much more natural/intuitve, than this right-click left-click thing, which often happens in the worst situations, usually with the consqeuence of being killed, as it is quite a loss to throw away the sword to the enemy, leaving myself unarmed, instead of hitting him. this accident would not happen by chance when throwing would need a button pressed.

Then your nice short review of the linked threads shows that in 2009, MastroLindo actually wants to keep the two hand system at least for the popular combat items. The problem with quickly switching items would be solved in my approach, because you still would be able to switch arround quickly with your main item (while you still keep the shiled e.g. on your second slot).
The problem about the lack of two potential usage-buttons for things like magic staffs is also not possible to implement right now, as right click is reserved to throw an item away. So bringing up the argumentation of MastoLindo actually shows, that the current situation was not an improvement regarding his demands and wishes, but removed the posibillity of dual wield without bringing what he intended.

likewise Matthis argumentation about the advantages and disadvantages: he also brings up the shield situation as a benefit of dual wield (apparently really something quite striking!). Disadvantages are mainly referred to the very confusing hand situation (which is not the case with my proposal). Additionally the most striking argument to me is also the idea of having two potential buttons left for one item, also proposed by MastroLindo before. As said before, this feature is blocked by the right-click throwing. As the new controls offer many many more buttons now, I do not even see the need for that anymore. Multi-Use Items could simply be controlled by a somehow similar system used in knueppeln (different keyboard buttons for different functions).

I just scanned through the other links now shortly, but it appears to me, the most strinking reason of changing was the massive complexity and the confusion caused, by the two hands solution, where you could adjust the two hands freely. In my approach, right click would also be just a handy and nice minor feature. Just that I think the potential of wielding two items at the same time brings more opportunities than the idea of throwing away an item on right click. that it is not at all confusing when one item is "fixed" to right click, can be tested in Starbound very nicely. That right click throwing is confusing instead, can be seen by quite some awkward situations, when players throw there javelins and swords arround (which is not just me).
Topic Gamepad support By Luchs Date 2016-02-19 19:43
It's actually {{@Ico:name}}, where name ∈ {Locked, League, GameRunning, Lobby, RuntimeJoin}.
Topic Steam Greenlight By Sven2 Date 2016-01-26 23:58
I'm with Newton/Zapper here and think it should be fine to release OC on Greenlight. But I also think it should be a more stable version (e.g. maybe 7.2). I don't think we need "more features" for a Greenlight release. You can always release an updated version if you pay again I assume?

The concern I have is that it's a self-contained game and it's relatively hard for players to "get involved". I feel that lots of people are just playing some offline rounds, maybe they like the game, but then they're done. On Steam this would be even worse because there's no direct way for players to get in touch with us.

So I think there should be ways for people to do more from within the game. For example:

1. Players don't know/don't care about our forums. In Mario Maker, after you've played a level, there's always the "comment" and the "star" buttons. You can write something (in Mario Maker you can also paint something :)) and/or you can give a "plus vote" for a level. The comment page loads automatically for anyone in the game evaluation screen and shows the most recent comments. I think it would be cool to have that for our evaluation screens. The comment screen should also be accessible directly from the scenario start dialogue and from the main menu in the game. Comments could be stored in the league DB simply associated by filename.

2. Players don't know that there's editing options. So we should have an Editor button in the main screen that just leads to the scenario selection dialogue. After you selected a scenario, it simply starts in editor mode where people can push around stuff. But I don't think it would be that much work to do. The Editor screen could also contain helpful buttons such as a link directing to the wiki for help or a button you can press to open your user path in the file manager.

Naturally, we'd need to do some minor improvements so our normal editor mode is sufficient to build something simple.
Topic Looking for source code of old CR versions By Sven2 Date 2015-10-16 20:35
OK, I also got the repos. If you need a particular version, I can give you a source checkout (and remove the league+registry secrets).
Topic Jump! By Sven2 Date 2015-09-12 20:22
We need a league with manual scoring for this.

Then you could also play in teamwork (one player controlling the catapult, etc.)/
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Luchs Date 2015-06-12 14:49
There's now an openclonk branch in the repository. I also fixed a bug and added some code which would allow integrating OC games in the clonkspot game list (without Redis).
Topic Cooperative Worlds League By Maikel Date 2015-03-17 22:52
League has been restarted!
Topic https for By Newton Date 2015-01-07 09:24
Well, perhaps first suggestions for good webhosters that meet our requirements. If anybody got ideas, here are the requirements that come to my mind right now:

* at least php, perl; python would be nice.
* at least >5 MySQL databases. Redis (for Luchs' changes to the league) would be nice
* imap emails with lotsa space
* >= 2 domains, ~unlimited or at least many subdomains; possibility to manage CNAMEs (to redirect to Isilkor's server)
* space >=5GB
* automatic backup
* SFTP access (new)
* https (new)

P.S: You are in Japan?
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Luchs Date 2014-12-25 23:24
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve here - the "masterserver updates live" functionality is already live on and could be adapted for OC with minimal work (but great effect!). The old interface wouldn't go away, but would be augmented with something better.

>For example the server could accept subscribtion urls which he then pings with updates, rather than having a private server hosting a private Redis database which then informs web clients.

This wouldn't work for most use cases though, as we cannot ping most people through their firewalls. The event stream endpoint already uses an open format (text/event-stream in combination with JSON) which can easily be used by third-party servers.

The data schema obviously isn't standardized, but this has always been the case with the masterserver communication. The JSON format used isn't nice as it's a direct  json_encode on the data structure in the league, but it's still easier to consume this way.
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Luchs Date 2014-12-21 14:12
The Redis stuff is optional, the current Clonkspot league also runs fine without it. But maybe we can run Redis on a different server and connect over the internet? I don't know whether the performance would still be acceptable with this setup, though.
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Luchs Date 2014-12-21 13:05
I added you to the repository. I'm not sure about having two branches, maybe we should try to get a single codebase for both leagues? I think most differences are currently just a few strings and the icons anyways. We could move these out in different repositories or have a configuration option switching between the two sets.
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Newton Date 2014-12-21 12:13
Since the private repository was a provisional solution anyway, I'd like to the the OC league server as a branch on that github repository as well. Is this OK for you and if yes, could you create that branch and add Sven2 and me to the group of people with push access?
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Luchs Date 2014-12-17 12:08
I pushed some of my improvements to the master branch of the openclonk repository as well. Most of my changes require Redis though, so I didn't port them.

Is running Redis on the OC league server possible? We'd like to show OC games on our live servers page (screenshot) as well, which uses Redis pubsub and caching to provide the game updates live. Porting the changes shouldn't be an issue, I can do that.
Topic League / Masterserver problem By B_E Date 2014-12-16 13:45
AFAIK Luchs has made various fixes and improvements to the league source code. He published them on GitHub.
Topic League / Masterserver problem By Newton Date 2014-12-16 00:38

> * League server didn't work because of the version update. We had to do direct IP join (see bugtracker #1190)

OK I produced this, so I will fix this. Did the openclonk-league source code move? Is the "most current" source code now hosted on clonkspot?
Topic Lights branch feedback By Sven2 Date 2014-12-15 23:12
We've play-tested the lights branch in an underground parkour scenario today and I was really impressed by the added atmosphere of darkness. The constant movement of shadows makes exploration of caves so much more exciting. I can't wait to have a proper exploration scenario with caves and AI enemies with the new system!

Unfortunately, some show-stopping bugs:
* League server didn't work because of the version update. We had to do direct IP join (see bugtracker #1190).
* We absolutely need branch snapshots! I think it took us 1 hour to get everything in sync and a game going.
* The game crashed after a player died and was eliminated in network (see bugtracker #1191)
* Objects were mostly dark unless you stood really close (see bugtracker #1192)

See screenshots of our short round!
Attachment: Screenshot332.png (540k)
Attachment: Screenshot333.png (281k)
Topic Enterable buildings By ala Date 2014-12-01 18:20
Good point, talking from my "spawn protection" scripts for the league scenarios - where I put new generated clonks into new layers for a couple of frames - I can tell you there were a tons of things ignoring layers in Clonk Rage. Basically all effects / spells - and also in general most timer based objects using FindObject.

Maybe it is an idea to overload FindObject in general to NOT get different layered objects per default?
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By B_E Date 2014-11-24 23:02
Update: Clonkspot has opensourced the Masterserver now - I haven't had any time to look into it too much unfortunately, but a while ago I built Sulphur (on GitHub/Packagist), a library for parsing the Masterserver output. It should be quite trivial to at least build a current games list, might need some caching though:

// fetch masterserver response
$response = Sulphur\ResponseFactory::fromUrl('');

// count all running games
echo count($response->where('State')->is('Lobby')).' game(s) are currently waiting for players.';

// iterate through all games currently in lobby
foreach($response->where('State')->is('Lobby') as $reference) {
    if($reference->Game !== 'OpenClonk') {
    echo $reference->Title.' is now open!';

The library currently doesn't parse the subfields, so player names can't easily be extracted. In case there's interest I could build this though.
Topic Version 5.1 feedback By Maikel Date 2014-10-14 14:19
Btw, you can also try to play some rounds in the league (the Worlds and some melees) and test these functionality as well!
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Maikel Date 2014-10-12 21:08
No it has not, however there is a private repos you can be given access to. There is probably also room for lots of improvements in the normal league interface.

Maybe ask in IRC for access with Isilkor.
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By B_E Date 2014-10-12 18:44
I could look into writing a script to fetch some information from the league db, similar to old Has the league been open-sourced yet?
Topic Cooperative Worlds League By Maikel Date 2014-10-06 19:28
Would be nice if someone can upload the attached images to

I hereby license the file type_worlds.png under the CC-BY license

I hereby license the file type_worlds_16.png under the CC-BY license

I hereby license the file type_worlds_off.png under the CC-BY license
Attachment: type_worlds.png (2k)
Attachment: type_worlds_16.png (686B)
Attachment: type_worlds_off.png (2k)
Topic Cooperative Worlds League By Maikel Date 2014-10-05 20:06
The Worlds league is now open and can be found here.

Krakatoa is not yet active, but will be in the next release (maybe).
Topic Cooperative Worlds League By Maikel Date 2014-10-04 18:15
With the new release it is time to start thinking about organizing the cooperative leagues. In my opinion it would be nice to have a cooperative league for the World scenarios only, which could be part a of a bigger cooperative league.

For that purpose I will be be creating a small league based on the World scenarios (which so far are 7, but planned to be 12). As in the CR league each of the scenarios will have a base score and a time-dependent score. Hence, the faster you finish a scenario, the better your score will be. For now we keep the CR scoring style, but in the future I would like test an alternative where 50% of the base score is always awarded and the other 50% is a percentage of how far away from the best time you are. This should incentivize also the first team to improve its time. The score will then be something like:

score = basescore * (50 + 50 * best_time / your_time) / 100

Since all of the worlds come with different difficulty and map size settings, having 12 of them would allow for 12 * 9 = 108 different rounds, which is way too many. So for each of the worlds predefined settings for the league will be taken, these can't be changed by the player if league is active. Also, as we are used to each, of the rounds can be played by a maximum number of players. Below I summarize the settings per round, which I will adapt accordingly as things might change in the future.

Cooperative Worlds League

Scenario       | Score | Players | Difficulty | Map Size
Gold Rush      |  100  |    2    |   Normal   |   Small 
Iron Peak      |  100  |    2    |   Normal   |   Small 
Flooded Veins  |  150  |    3    |   Insane   |   Small
Chine          |  150  |    3    |    Hard    |   Small
Krakatoa       |  150  |    4    |    Hard    |   Small
Acid Rift      |  150  |    4    |    Hard    |   Small
Gem Grabbers   |  200  |    4    |    Hard    |   Small
Acid Gold Mine |  250  |    4    |     N/A    |    N/A

The Worlds League is active and can be played and most of all tested here.

Note: Krakatoa and Acid Gold Mine will still change, moreover Acid Rift still needs to be added to the league. So on every new release the scenarios which have changed drastically will be reset and you loose your points.
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Sven2 Date 2014-10-03 18:41
So I've gone through the changelog, removed all bugfixes and tried to collect the most important stuff into paragraphs for the news posting:

New stuff

Finally, music has been added! K-Pone has contributed three exciting pieces which you can hear in the game if music is enabled (Press F3 to toggle music). Under the hood, our sound system has been migrated to OpenAL and big plans are in progress to improve the music even more(link to ala's forum posting).

The league has opened. Compete online for ranks and play against the best of the best. Just press the league button when hosting a game to sign it up to the league server, then use your forum username and password to join. If you prefer cooperative play, the settlement and adventure league are also soon to be opened.

For those who rather play offline, achievements (link blog posting) have been added. Achievements are little icons beside the scenarios which you can earn by playing through scenarios. In some worlds, you can get special symbols for finishing them in harder difficulty and some missions contain special icons unlocked by finding secrets.

We've also added new scenarios: The Raid, Deep Sea Mining and Treasure Hunt (link blog postings) are beautifully designed new missions especially targeted at new players. Chine and Flooded Veins are two new worlds which can provide a challenge for the more experienced Clonkers. Finally, Fight for Gidl (link to blog) is an action-packed, cooperative scenario where you defend against waves of attackers.

Some new objects can be found in the scenarios: Underwater you can now find corals as well as fish both peaceful and evil. To secure your settlements, you can now also build basements available in all scenarios in the worlds folder.

Improved stuff

We've started a big overhaul of the missions folder by connecting the scenarios with a thrilling storyline. The hero is sent all over the world of Openclonk in a great endeavour to kill the evil king. So far, the first five missions have been integrated into the story but more are yet to come.

The worlds folder has also been reworked significantly. Most worlds got parameters to adjust difficulty and map size before the game so both rookies and experienced players can enjoy these scenarios. Maps have been improved using better dynamic map generation and features such as regrowing gems in the Gem Grabbers scenario. Short intro sequences have been added to introduce the game goals. Goals have been made more interesting in Gold Rush and Iron Peak. Finally, player knowledge and base material have been improved in all the worlds.

Additional gameplay improvement has been targeted especially at settlement players. For example: You should no longer be afraid of solid, single pixels as they're now removed before you can get stuck on them. Acid now corrodes coal and firestone. Snow and ice can be used to melt loam. Pumping pipe heads shouldn't get stuck any more. And many more...

Attentive players will also notice some work on cosmetics. For example, ice and gem sounds have been tweaked and smoke graphics reworked. If the cool graphics run slow for you, there's a new option to skip graphics frames if the game is lagging especially useful in internet games.

...and of course, as usual we've done lots and lots of bugfixes.

Changes currently not in this list:

* The installer now deletes some obsolete files
* Add option to link Boost dynamically

* added pump knowledge to golden mountain

* HeartOfTheMountain: Starting platform area increased; Spawn clubs instead of swords; Do not kill clonk on Ctrl+F9
* Tweaked VolcanoEscapeEx: A bit harder in the end. Volcano doesn't leave as many gaps.

* Add a few more things to the player knowledge in the settlement tutorial.
* In the settlement tutorial tell players to keep holding down the mouse button to chop trees.

* Improved information of SellGems goal
* AutoFrameSkip: Graphics option to reduce lag by slow clients in network games
* SpinWheel sets view to controlled door on open/close command.
* Objects levitated by TeleGlove do not hit Clonks while they're being held and 5 frames after release.
* added hitpoints to flagpole
* make gravestone non-lethal
* Object fading: Don't kill newly bought objects or active objects like e.g. fused iron bombs
* Increase display time of global messages.
* Smoke graphics rework
* make coconut less lethal
* Prevent NPCs from accidentally collecting things.

* Replace sizzle sound for foundry, use foundry's sizzle for lava/water reactions

Startup menus:
* Remove obsolete effect level slider and configuration option
* Options/Graphics: tidy up
* Put missions above worlds in scenario selection

Scripting of Storyline/Dialogues:
* Decoration (AltMaterials, Straw man, Hat, Ruins)
* Dialogue/Sequence. Added attention symbol to dialogues
* Added BaseRespawn rule and neutral flagpoles to be used for consistent respawn handling in all missions.
* Change MessageWindow (i.e. the default goal messages) to use decorated messages instead of menus.
* Dialogue is blocked for a short time after it was stopped, so players don't restart it accidentally
* Broadcasting option to all players for important dialogues
* Speakers face each other
* add_attention parameter for SetDialogueProgress
* Extend Dialogue and Sequence object with some message and viewport functions for upcoming missions.
* (Re)implement text completion in dialogue text windows as an async control. Default to Space, i.e. MenuOK.

* PV_Step: added "maximumValue" parameter
* C4Script: Allow more format flags (+, -, <space>, #)
* Warn on unsupported accelerator keys
* Validate texmap entries on load
* Cleaned up base material in library and engine
* Script: Constant expressions can access properties of constant proplists
* Add parameter type check for FnCall
* Store modified mesh material assignments in saved scenarios.
* GetMeshMaterial called from definition context now returns default mesh materials.
* Change == and != to do pointer comparison on arrays and proplists (formerly === and !==). Remove === and !=== and introduce function DeepEqual for contents comparison.
* Added script functions SetLeagueProgressData, GetLeagueProgressData, GetLeagueScore and SetLeaguePerformance.
* Added mode TopOpen=2: Pixels above landscape are partly free and partly solid depending on corresponding top row map IFT. Analogous to BottomOpen=2.
* Add script function SetPlayerZoom to set zoom factors directly instead of by view range (#1065)
* Move contents ejection on death after Death Call
* Added new callback: DugOut(object object_by).
* Added SolidMaskPlane property: If an object moves and other objects are attached to its SolidMask, only objects in front of this plane are moved along with it. Defaults to Plane if zero.
* Aul: Allow '...' as final parameter in func decls
* Implement PLRZOOM_Set flag to allow setting current zoom and limits in the same call.
* Added script function GetPlayerZoomLimits.
* Removed unnecessary defcore Value entries
* Modify enemy AI to allow easier overload of functions for custom scenario AI.
* added callback IsPrey() to the Clonk so that future evil predators can only search for IsPrey and will attack both Clonks and cute little animals
* added Place()-function to sea weed
* added GetSurfaceVector() to Math.c which can be used to get informations about the surface of the landscape at some point (f.e. for bouncing projectiles)
* Add particle value provider function PV_Sin
* Construction site: Added function to disallow site cancellation. Added callback to structure for custom build preview.
* Added some dialogue functions and speaker portraits. UpdatedAddMenuItem and CustomMessage to allow more customization for picture graphics.
* Ruby and Amethyst material moved to main Material.ocg
* Add Dlg_*_Init callback to dialogues. To be used e.g. for starting timers of NPC activities.
* mape: Add interface to run the new script map generator
* Add player parameter to SetPlayList (#1084)
* Base variable naming in scenario saving on saved object count of same type name instead of object number.
* Heavy smoke is a particle parameter
* FuzzyLogic

(Bugfixes would probably triple the list so they're excluded)
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Maikel Date 2014-10-03 13:56
[14:55:28] Waiting for last league server reply...
[14:55:28] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:29] Sending game result to
[14:55:30] Sending game result to

and the game hangs

When aborting a league game.
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Sven2 Date 2014-10-03 00:13
Yes, but only league (i.e. ranked) games need the signup.
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Newton Date 2014-10-03 00:12
I mean, the league acts as a master server as well, no?
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Newton Date 2014-10-03 00:11
As boom will be replaced by league, I wonder if there is a simple way to get a listing of the current games on the home page (scroll down)? Or, any other cool info from the league - like who's first or something, like on back then.

Otherwise, I would just remove it.
Topic Release 5.0: Second try By Sven2 Date 2014-10-03 00:08
Well, he can play. Just not in league.

So I wouldn't consider it release blocking.

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