Topic Butterfly Tea Music
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In Response to Newton
Oh, by the way, since you already link to On jamendo, there is many more free/cc music. I got some more addresses for music with free licenses:
free art search taken from various open source projects
opengameart similar to above but I think also with own community
freesound as always
Update: searched through opengameart, except for some very good soundtracks for a gloomy and dark atmosphere by Brandon Morris, I found nothing.
Update2: On jamendo, there is much more of this type of orchestral soundtrack music if you search for the tag "orchestral":
free art search taken from various open source projects
freesound as always
Update: searched through opengameart, except for some very good soundtracks for a gloomy and dark atmosphere by Brandon Morris, I found nothing.
Update2: On jamendo, there is much more of this type of orchestral soundtrack music if you search for the tag "orchestral":
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