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Up Topic Multi pointer X (MPX) for multiplaying on same computer

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In Response to Günther

> switch (event.type)
> switch(event.xcookie.evtype)

It's more complicated than that. xcookie is part of the "GenericEvent" stuff, which as far as I know is one kind of event.type.

I'm not sure whether we can require XI2 yet. If we can't, we need to keep the core event stuff enabled unconditionally, and XI2 optional at runtime. Otherwise we can just replace it. If we can not even rely on the library being available, we also need to make the XI2 code optional at compile time.

I'm using a hg-git import of the openclonk mercurial repos. If you want to keep using git, you can do that, too, our repositories will be compatible. Otherwise, plain text forum or bugtracker attachments or public mercurial repositories will all do.

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