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In Response to ala
I'd like to throw in two older thoughts, the first was born in a discussion last summer:

-The Settlement-Style may be connected to the desired behavior and the function of the base (it's power level). Like Newton pointed out, buying everything is not always the best solution. Thinking about the base may be very important.

Colonize Mars from CR has a well planned settlement system, which had unused potential as well:
-There are buildings which produce stuff
-Buildings which comfort survival
-Buildings which comfort transport

And the trade system was more intuitiv, because you had to land a capsule safley containing your ordered items in it. However, the production lines wore out with time - because they were always the same(, in Settlers it's actually the same thing, if you play the game too much you focus on speed after some time rather than settlement).
Well, I worked on an alternate system that time: A trade system. It's aim was to spice up the static production lines, and even if I don't know exactly how such a system would fit into Clonk, I think it's a step into the right direction. A mixed balance between buying and producing should be fine. The player should be able to skip one or two steps in the line, he should have a lot more possibilities this way. That feels more like clonk.

Oh, and Colonize Mars was an example of how things feel without gold. And settlement went slow as hell, it took hours to build all things - I personally liked it, but there were people who didn't.

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