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Up Topic OC getting modular - rethinking construction and production

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In Response to MM333
"Yes, it's slow."
Yes, and its slow already ;)
Personally i like your idea and i can, in some way, understand where it comes from. But i think it just won't fit well into Clonk, and here is why:
You mentioned Minecraft quite often, as a very creative game, and i totally agree with this! And why? Its not because of the more or less 'useful' crafting system... (sorry i dont really like it, at first it looks cool, but at the end you just follow recipes and get the output... nothing special or surprising, just complicated to recognice all them), no its because of the possibility to change the whole environment the way you want it! You want House in the middle of a little see? Just make it! Or an underground prison with monsters? Dig it! Maybe the Statue of Liberty? Build it!
But hey, thats exactly what clonk is about, changing the environment the way you want it. Building underground tunnels, fill them with water and drown your enemies. Build loam bridges to make towers (or full citys) fly in the Sky and just drop flints at the head of your enemies (god i loved the old clonk ^^).
Do you realize: i like the basic stuff much more, than the complex. I like it to use the most simple items and build something creative out of it. It may be funny to shoot an enemy down with a bow... but its much more fun to be able to drown him in a self build "monster/shark/water initialized from a jumping and rock hidden enemy" trap. Thats what, in my personal opinion, creativity is about!
You might say now, that this is exactly what you ment... no its not ^^. Its good to interact with the environment, but bad to be forced to individualice every bit of the game (in Minecraft you don't have to build a chest out of hundrest of subitems, you just take wood and its there). If you build your own 'house' in Minecraft, you could compare it with a whole 'city' in clonk. The single parts are all more or less the same, its how you arrange them and how build them 'into' the environment.

Where i have to agree is, that the building part is too simple. But its a bad solution to just put more complexity into it. A little bit is good, for instance the posibility to choose the material your hut is going to be (as mentioned above), or an easy way, to expand old buildings (f.i. you first have a normal tower with no doors and later can add a left/right or both, just as you wish). But building every hut out of tons of items wouldn't be fun, it would be work... (especially for the programmers ^^)

How to solve the Problem? I realldy don't know and i can't offer 'the' idea, but i would always bear in mind to keep it simple, but fun :)

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