Topic Discussion: The Base
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In Response to PeterW
Physical access is a very, very shaky concept. It practically means that every castle with a hole belongs to everyone. Both teams would essentially open up everything in order to not get locked out - at which point the castle might as well not exist at all.
Plus the whole access thing creates a lot of overhead on the team that's using it. You need to keep Clonks that open and close doors, etc. If one Clonk is inside a castle, he effectively can't exit it without either locking himself out or leaving it wide-open for an enemy. He can just wait until an enemy puts a proper hole into the castle and walzes in. That's not fun.
Seriously? You're attacking, why on earth would you want to do that before removing the enemy flag?
Plus the whole access thing creates a lot of overhead on the team that's using it. You need to keep Clonks that open and close doors, etc. If one Clonk is inside a castle, he effectively can't exit it without either locking himself out or leaving it wide-open for an enemy. He can just wait until an enemy puts a proper hole into the castle and walzes in. That's not fun.
> The enemy can use your sawmill/furnace/anvil? Why not if he brought charcoal and ore? Unlike in CR he cannot hide in there anyway.
Seriously? You're attacking, why on earth would you want to do that before removing the enemy flag?
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