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In Response to Zapper
My idea of ownership would be the following:
Where do you actually need behavior that changes according to your owner?
Do you actually have to "own" that anvil? What is different if you "own" that anvil? The enemy is magically blocked from using it? Why?
That much for the easy part: I would not link any behavior of production buildings to ownership (actually like it was in CR, except for some special cases).

Harder to fit in are: Defensive structures, CR-like bases and the placement of buildings (especially towers etc).

I will start with the easiest again: The bases. In CR they would be the place in the game where you noticed ownership most: Your enemys were denied entrance while you were healed and could buy stuff.
My current suggestion would be to replace the "base" with some sort of "trading outpost" - removing the healing part. The outpost could be marked with a flag (CR-style) and that flag would mark the player who is currently allowed to trade there (CR). The flag/outpost could be a lot more vulnerable to attacks, though, because the flags would not have to be as rare as in CR (=you start with one and every new one costs a fortune).
The flag could even be removable from the outside resulting in kicking your traders (your Clonks in the outpost) out, so that you could not hide there from enemies (but would still have some shelter from e.g. monsters).

now defensive structures:
Towers/gates/drawbridges/turrets would be the next thing where ownership would make "sense" (compared to e.g. an anvil): Enemies could be denied access while allies could freely use them. But why? I really don't see more necessity of that here than there is with the anvil.
The defensive structures should be used by everyone who actually gets into the position of using them - classically that would be standing in front of them. You argued that it would give more tactical depth if you have to think about the placement and defense of your flag - that is true, but in my opinion it would even result in more tactical depth if you would have to think about the layout of your whole base.

Now to the tricky part: The I-build-a-tower-into-your-face strategy from CR.
I really think that the reason why it was possible in CR was the following: the strength of buildings was balanced around the construction material. BUT you would probably have construction material deactivated in melees because it was uneralistic to build a proper castle if you would have to put 1000 rocks into it.
Another important point is that buildings had their full defensive potential from the moment when you selected the from the conkit-menu: Even if the tower was only 1% constructed you already needed a dozen flints to destroy it.
Imagine the following changed circumstances: construction material is rebalanced so that it is suitable for melees, unfinished contruction sited can easily be destroyed or even just deconstructed.
How are you going to build a tower right in front of my tower without me sleeping?

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