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In Response to Newton
No. That's not how it works. I won't vote on some theoretical concepts of ownership without actually seeing it in action, in the gameplay. We will try out whatever gets implemented (as prototype) and see what becomes accepted in the long run.

That is why this whole discussion looks a bit senseless to me (and others, probably, you and Zapper wrote 90% of all posts here). You seem to be in search for the in your eyes "perfect concept" and frankly, to me it appears like you think you have to defend your thesis against other people now.
This is no disputation.
Concepts like this can only act as a source of inspiration (and thus must be written like that), never as a specification, because after all, it is up to the guys that implement it. Currently, it doesn't look like that will be you. Of course you can try to force people on a concept (including by "democratically" voting about it) but you will find out quickly that this is a bad idea.

A senior project manager at my work once said: "Überraschenderweise wird der Erfolg eines Projektes nicht an der Qualität des Produktes, an der Güte des Konzeptes oder der termingerechten Abgabe gemessen sondern daran wie glücklich alle Beteiligten damit am Ende sind." ("Surprisingly, the success of a project is not measured on the quality of the product, the concept or the delivery on schedule but on how happy all involved people are at the end.") That is valid of course for the process of project development too.
If you think you have a really good concept, you can only either implement it yourself or find people who do it for you.

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