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In Response to PeterW
Okay, now Rail'O'Matic? Generally in favor, though I find it a bit odd to attach that much intelligence to lorries. If we don't want to use Wipfs, maybe we should at least have the player invest into some kind of robot that allows the lorry to work on its own?

> I have no proof yet but Newton said Peter wanted to abandon refined materials and having everything built up from raw material. Yeah, okay. Maybe this is wrong, dunno ;)

What? I never said that. I once expressed the opinion some intermediate steps don't make sense, like constructing a super-flint from a flint - it's the same building, therefore we could just make the super-flint take longer and save interface overhead. Actually my kind of system would require more preprocessing stuff, e.g. for refining stones to be used in buildings.

> The Trails

Why exactly do we need rails? We already have a landscape the lorry can roll through. Crossings could simply be bumps that allow you to jump the lorry to a higher location.

We might also need boosters somewhere in there. If we allow it to stack, this could actually become very (too?) powerful: Pack your Clonks into a lorry, boost-jump yourself into the enemy base.

> Clonks can drive inside the lorries - awesome!

I like it. Must not forget though that it should not give you protection from enemy attacks... Sooner or later tracks will be in a contested zone.

> So this is what happens in your automatic settlement (I take the CR buildings as examples):

I would try to get the "try and find" and "inform" things out of there. It would be unclear where exactly to search - unless we bind it to a base region or something.

Instead, how about just having the lorry bring the material to buildings that might need it? This sort of thing would only require the lorry to make local judgments of the form "do I have something this building that I'm passing by needs?". And maybe on top of that "was there a building that I recently passed by that needs this?"

> The status thing, I think there are two options suitable: 1 - Drop load and return to your starting point, 2 - Stop & disengage

In case the lorry already drops its load automatically at buildings, we don't need the "drop" command. Just have a storage in front of it that accepts all kinds of materials.

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