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Up Topic Introducing: the Railway!

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In Response to PeterW

> So it's just a pathfinding thing.

You can't simply ignore the landscape. There might be a few pixels in the way when you want to get to your preferred storage, while another working one is just a bit farther away.

> Which building to supply? And what if you want to alter it?

You download Rail'O'Matic v2 from CCAN. Seriously though, your system also has no priorities. If we want to auto-produce (which is kind of the whole point, isn't it?), we get into the same questions of which of the orders to prioritize. In your case we would actually have a lorry to allocate on top of that, making it even harder. Do you want lorries to combine orders where possible? The thought of scaling that up scares me greatly.

Dump lorries on the other hand would make reasonably efficient progress in this kind of situation with a lot less headache for us.

> But I would strongly favour rails more tough than getting destroyed by one little hit.

Maybe we could just make concrete more useful here...?

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