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Up Topic Introducing: the Railway!

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In Response to Clonkonaut

> You can't simply ignore the landscape.

That's another question. This is actually what you have to watch for: that there's nothing in the way. A lorry bumping into anything solid results in the lorry falling off. So your enemy can jam your system with loam.

> Seriously though, your system also has no priorities.

Yes, because what the lorry does is the automation of what the clonk already in CR. When you want to produce a sword at the anvil, the AutoProduct functionality fills the clonk with commands: acquire hot metal -> find forge -> acquire burning material and metal -> wood & metal -> find sawmill -> chop tree -> etc.
The other possibility is that you select your sawmill and give the command "deliver wood to point x" where x is some other building on the network. Then you have the full control over what's happening and the lorry itself decides where to drop things off.

> Maybe we could just make concrete more useful here...?

This prevents you from what I want to avoid: not be able to further develop the landscape / your mine whereever you want to without having to reform your network.

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