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In Response to MimmoO

>Acid battery

I really like this, its new and combines two materials that otherwise probably would never interact. Though it would need to be very efficient, since its a lot of work to gather materials for it: metal costs fuel and ore, acid is dangerous - you could simply but the fuel for the metal into the steam engine. One solution would be to make the metal last long, and only to be renewed every few units of acid.

>Solar power plant

Reminds me of the Solar power plant of the clonk-mars project. I liked the idea there and think it would be a great addition. I especially like the ideas of having mirrors reflect the sunlight. It would also give a different purpose to the crystal other than magic.

>Hydro electric power plant

I dont really know about this one. It's a nice idea, but i doubt it will work out.

>Steam engine

totally agree with your opinions and ideas there.

If anyone had the good old Clonk-power -> Energy-idea, i generally dislike the idea to trade clonks against energy.

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