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In Response to Newton
Most of what you wrote is not really new, just a nice summary of what there is. Even the wheat/mushrooms are not really new.

>The material itself looks the same but the metal ore has a greyish shimmer while the gold ore has a yellow / golden one

Like it. Other kind of ores could be displayed this way too.


Also like that. I think there could be more things like that.


Many materials in Clonk I find outright boring. Actually, most of them are much too easy to mine and dont require any further procession. I have a few ideas regarding that:

Oil -> X
get rid of oil (there is no oil currently in OC btw). Its much too easy to mine and it has no other use other than fuel. Instead, Lava can be used as a fuel too - at least lava is a little bit more dangerous to mine :-)

make coal only mineable by pickaxe (or explosions). Because anyway: Have you ever tried to use a shovel in a coal mine?

Crystal -> ...
no classic crystal: has currently no use and a magic pack could introduce much more interesting materials (and plants) which serve as source of magic. E.g. kinds of moss/mushrooms, specially processed fruits or other materials, object-crystals (like stalagtites on the ground and so on), "magic" fountains or places (where one has to put X to make it mana-y), or "dangerous" materials which hurt the clonks that come too near... etc...

Sulphur -> Firestone
get rid of sulphur. You just dig out one mine and you got Teraflints up your ass! Lets make it a bit more interesting. I had the following idea: Introduce a new material, lets call it firestone for now. It is reddish in color and appears rocky, perhaps with the slightest glitter of lava. You can mine it with the pickaxe (slow) which will give you firestones (like the ones we have). Out of firestones, one can create (almost everything else explosive. If the firestone material is blasted, the material converts slowly into lava as fast as oil would burn way (with some cool visual effects like small explosions, gushing flames etc.). Eventually (after some time), the material converts back into firestone. However if that (kind of) lava is then put into water, small chunks of (floating?) firestone come out.

This would basically eliminate most boring materials (sulphur, crystal, oil, ~coal)

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