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Up Topic A brief history of resources

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In Response to AlteredARMOR
Well, yes... My bad. The reason for my statement was a "distinction" in terminologies.

I got used to the ore being an oxide of the metal that I completely forgot that not every ore is actualy oxide.
In nature gold indeed can be rarely found in the form of sulfides (ore) but it is not that common. Usually gold comes as a mixture with other metals like copper, nickel, lead, silver and so. Technically speaking: gold is a part of other metal's ore.

To finally make the point, I should add that there IS such thing as a Gold Oxide (most common is Au2O3) but it can only be produced artificially and is not something commonly found in nature.

You can not extract gold fromj the "gold ore" in a foundry. (You need to perform cyanide process at some special plant). That was the main argument I had (sorry for misunderstanding)

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