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Up Topic A brief history of resources II

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In Response to Newton
Was fun reading your post. Here are my comments:

> objects in certain categories. These were Chemicals, Weaponry, Construction and Vehicles

Is there a reason why you want to split up the objects into certain categories other than for determine which production building would be fitting for that? If not:
1. There are vehicles that I'd categorize more as weapons/mining tools than "vehicles". My suggestion is to be able to produce the lorry in the mining/tools workshop and the cannon/gatling in the weapons shelter/armory.
2. In the chat, I mentioned the idea to have another category "Inventions" which include the more advanced (,less balanced ;-) and perhaps a little bit wacky objects which don't classify as simple tools or weapons anymore. Examples: jar of winds, tele glove, grappler, balloon, boompack and probably more in future (if we go more into the steampunk/clockwork theme). These could be produced in an "inventor's workshop" or something.
Both are just ideas.

> Production line - wood

This could be a problem if the sawmill is to be constructed from wood. Where to get that wood from? From the sawmill. And how do you produce the sawmill? By getting wood. Hmm...
The solution would be that you get logs (like the current wood graphic) from simply chopping a tree -> chopping it to pieces with the axe. To construct a sawmill you just need those logs. A sawmill on the other hand produces timber which is a more advanced building material.

> Unless the pickaxe gets implemented

Already exists. It's actually already finished (model, animation, sounds, script).

> Gunpowder barrel

Already exists as ammo for cannon but also as what you said (only you need to somehow incite it)

> More or less a spell. This is critical because I bear Matthias's thoughts on magic in mind.

Oh yeah, just read his post again. ACK. Doubtable science, love that theme. The "little blast" idea on the other hand I find a little bit uninspired. If we search for alternative ways to make boom, I can think of a couple of err.. "inventions" which might do the job. Should I elaborate?

> As I said, 5 basic production buildings: [...] bakery (food)

There is not so much different food to produce from wheat. My suggestion is to make this building into a farmstead/mill in which all farming-related-resources as well as ... wildlife-related resources (resources gained from animals) can be processed. F.e. cotton/spider nets -> ropes, cloth; moss -> dried moss; wompfberries, nectar -> black wompfberryforest pie,...

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