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In Response to ala

>Wood / Timber, Axe, Sawmill

We had this discussion somewhere already. My favoured solution is still that one:
The axe could produce a bit of wood by chopping down small trees and bushes - this should be easily enough to build a sawmill. The big trees, with a much bigger amount of wood gain would only work with a sawmill. The next though is this: This should work pretty well, if buildings will need more building materials (CR: Hut 5 woods, 1 Stone, OC: 15 Wood, 2 Stone or whatever) - since the clonk can easily carry more stuff no problems will occur. Peter opposed the idea though, I only forgot why he did it.

>Boom / Bomb Launcher

Ah very much like it, I already talked about the use of rockets agains air bases, and I'm still a big fan here, the Boom is pretty much the same thing :). Stuff it in the earth, rotate it into the desired direction and launch it. The accuracy of rockets could be very poor, and if we wish so we can create tons of different rocket types for different usages. (Exploration rocket: tears down Fog of war, Air defence rocket: very high flying, but weak rocket against airships, and so on). I like the Bomb launcher very much as well :)

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