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In Response to PeterW
Huh, that's quite a few very different arguments.
1. This is a question of balancing, realism is optional. If a bamboo is about as useful as a bow, they should have the same price.
2. Note that Minecraft & co have inventories so large you can build entire cities from them. I think this is a plus for open-world games.
3. Huh, long shot. Not sure we can seriously say anything about that before we try it. But note that I only want to reduce transport complexity, not production complexity. If trees give less wood, you'd still have to push the same number of trees to your sawmill. And I'd rather have it derive its value from that rather than from the need to throw it around for half a decade.
4. You can't weaken buying as a concept - yes, maybe this will have us end up somewhat lower prices, but how is that a problem?

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