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In Response to Duncan
Hi, I am a New Zealander but currently living in Germany. I played clonk a while back and loved the idea but found it too buggy. I came back to it recently and was overjoyed to find openclonk. Then I was immediately dissapointed that it wasn't finished as I love the economy side of things and bulding challenges.

I am a game developer, currently freelancing (I will post a link to my first real game when it is beta released some time in the next couple of weeks) and given how great this project is looking I could potentially spare some time. I am new here and posting this without actually checking over it for myself but if someone can point me to something that needs to be done to get that side of the game off the ground I may be able to help. My c++ skills are a bit shaky unfortunately and although it would be good to have something to practise on I know how annoying inexperienced coders' work can be to clean up. I could handle something simple and modular and don't mind doing gruntwork like item/building configurations if the framework is already underway. I also have a couple of artists I work with and I could suggest it to them if that is needed. I guess I wanted to discuss the possibility of helping without poring through the details for hours, but if I am told to stfu and rtfm I will understand.

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