Topic network game
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In Response to Zapper
Currently there is really not much online action going one. Partly due to the fact that playing with the current release is not 100% stable - quite some users have experiences crashes when trying to start an online game, partly because the release is pretty old already (December last year I guess?) and only contains a couple of melee scenarios and finally because there is just no player base who constantly plays those few scenarios for so many months :)
(Compare to CR for example where you have hundreds of available scenarios for online play)
PS: Not to forget that the main part of the Clonk community still comes from Germany - when those players play, you are probably asleep :/
(Compare to CR for example where you have hundreds of available scenarios for online play)
PS: Not to forget that the main part of the Clonk community still comes from Germany - when those players play, you are probably asleep :/
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