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Up Topic Lift Tower and rope

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In Response to Clonkonaut
I don't think there's a problem with objects in the air. It's almost impossible to test. And anyway, the lift tower's idea is to pull objects on the ground (like lorries or trees). But the force applied does not pull object across even the slightest pile of material. I played around as you will see in the lift tower's rope so immoveable objects get velocity in every direction trying to shake them free. But that doesn't work either because I can't figure out how it's possible to shorten the rope. As soon as I set it to ConnectPull() it loosens, falls to the ground and then tries to pull the connected object into ground direction, too. As soon as I use ConnectLoose() it's shortened to the correct length.

You can test this behaviour by connecting the lift tower to anything and then grab it und press up. Holding it is pull mode, releasing is loose mode.

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