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Up Topic Clonk style guide

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In Response to Fungiform
Hello everybody,

I decided to participate in the fun.
I am really impressed by what has been achieved with Openclonk so far. 

I am aware that there are certainly no shortcomings in great ideas for the course of Openclonk so I'd mainly like to help with some ideas for a more consistent appearance.

What I really liked about the "old" Clonk was that there was a sense of architecture that the buildings followed. There were certain structural elements that would appear in different buildings, like how the clonks would build a stone wall or how they would use the same building structure for the workshop or the sawmill.

I think something like this is important to create a believable appearance and I would like Open clonk to have that.
Maybe we could for example think about how Clonks do scaffolding and then apply it to the buildings. Scaffolds in the clonk world have a use and the clonks found their way to do it with the materials they have. Right now for example I have the feeling the scaffolds in the buildings don't hold for what they are made for. After all clonks should look proficient in what they are doing.
I don't mean we have to follow a scheme no matter what, but just to have a guide how things look and work would be handy. From that the structures can be modified for the task at hand. In 3d modeling you could even have blocks to insert and modify.

I would offer to gather the ideas of the community an compile them into a consistent document.
The goal would be to have a reference document for the visual style of the clonk culture.
The benefit is faster generation of models, a consistent appearance and a more believable and alive Clonk world.

What do you think?

Attached some examples of what I am thinking. In this case an attempt for scale and size references.
I hereby license the following file(s) under the CC-by license

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