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In Response to Fungiform
I get the point. Actually there are some things I just overlooked by accident. I just saw the no doors thing and that a lot of art discussion is going on outside the art forum :D

About the clock punk I'm not sure if that is a productive idea in terms of complexity. I think there is need of a lot of background research for quality clock/steampunk. To make it look believable you need a solid understanding of mechanics an machinery in general. I think as with all good fiction there needs to be a sense of realism or possibility in the design. Even if you do high fantasy you would want to make things believable.

Anyway, what I aim to do is less interfering with your ideas of what Clonk should be like but more to establish something like a system for consistent art. Nobody would start seriously programming without thinking about structure like classes and protocols.
If we have a basic proportions system together the development of new buildings wouldn't be dependent on the models. You could decide first which size the building has and use the grey blocks in the right size. Like that the art and development can go parallel. I really think it is dangerous to jump on fancy graphics just for the effect too early. Though its understandable.
Another point is we want as many people as possible make objects. What do you do for the code? You use an existing object and modify it. If we provide a guide for the graphics to it can be similar.

So I'll stop babbling now. I understand I missed to venture more into the existing material. Unfortunately internet here is horribly slow. So I'm still busy loading the repository... are there screenshots of existing buildings, clonks etc online?

P.S.: Im doing an internship here in thailand... maybe I should do an introduction. is there a place for that?  ^^;;

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