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Up Topic Clonk style guide

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In Response to Shadow
This benchmark named "heaven" reminds me to the actual style OC have. Don't know which genre this style is. May someone of you actually know the video, hope you and the other ones can be inspired while watching.

This other one with a stone giant is interesting too, in Clonk it's possible to change the hole map, it would be really awesome to create stuff for dungeons and give them a really new style and everything. Want to feel that under earth livings there all the time, I want to be suprised by some intelligent creatures living in the deep or stop breathing while watching the awesome way the game is made. Most of the time you play Clonk you have "normal" maps with buildings on top of the skyline, so let's go and rise up to the heavens and climb down to the deepest dungeons we've ever seen!

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