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In Response to Apfelclonk
How about improving the grab range a bit. That would be also more realistic if you can grab it from the side than standing in front of it. I would also add a solid mask to the normal crates, that may force the player to build more complex settlements, so they're not in the way for transporting vehicles or something like that. But on the other hand always transporting them away to push a lorry along that way would be annoying.

But another question:

Why do they have a limit of 4 objects? I would set it to 5 or 6, maybe 8 not too hight, but I think 4 is too less that you would really use them.
And then there is the Lorry with 50  Objects? That's quite exaggerated. I think 20 or 25 would give a fitting amount to it.

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