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Up Topic Adaptive interactions in OpenClonk

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In Response to ofx
@Maikel: Resolved the last crash, waiting for a server administrator currently...
@Maikel: About the trustworthy analysis, we have seen that in previous experiments apart from OpenClonk there was a tipping point at around 60 play sessions were we could see clusters (play styles) form in our analysis. Since OpenClonk features more complex data, this point with OpenClonk will yield more sessions. We're monitoring the data that we collect and run our analysis manually in the beginning, this to allow us to evaluate the results of our analysis.
@Sven2: Sorry about the hack protection, I've seen your comments, it seems that we currently cover every action that we're interested in, I like the idea of setting up some sort of competion but due to time constraints we're (unfortunately) not able to execute this :-(
@Zapper: The current implementation hooks into C4Object and C4Effect and intercepts SetAction, which seem to cover the C4Action/C4Object part of the actions, C4Effect interception in New seems to cover the rest

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