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Up Topic [Model] New Buildings!

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In Response to Newton
Hmm, thank you for pointing this out to me and so giving me the chance to clarify the misunderstandings. First of all, it is certainly not my intention to demotivate you. I appreciate the work you put into the project and respect your skills. And, I care about it, really, because it is fucking good and it is awesome to see some people dedicated to facilitating artwork getting into the game.

And just to make this clear before I elaborate: I am not running this project. Don't misunderstand my critique on the methods of your (concepting) work as a veto or anything like that. You are getting a lot of positive feedback currently, even though you say it is just a humble start. So, please don't take it personal if some feedback questions your methodology.

Reading my posts in this thread again, I can see how they might come along a bit rude to you. My concern from the beginning was that content we already have will be remade completely instead of adapting it (new texture, change size, change geometry like the thickness of beams) to fit a common style - and secretly - that it might be the end of that. When writing the posts, I thought I had already stated that concern somewhere else, now I can't find it.

There is a long road from a rendering like in the screenshots and a textured and animated model for real time rendering.
Perhaps you can understand my position better when I tell you that I was the one who created most of the first models (f.e. wind generator, tools workshop) in collaboration with the artists back then. So I walked down that road already, and I remember how much work it was to first get the (seemingly done) model into something fit for real time rendering, create a good UV map and texture it.

So, to get back to the point I was trying to make:

Apart from wanting to spare you the work to redo it, I feel as if my (and others) work was discarded without even considering that those models are generally regarded as nicely done by the community and without considering that those models could be used for the iterative improvement and the finding of a common style.

Your wind generator(s) look very similar to the current one, so what I asked you in that post was why not include any of the current buildings (without texture) for finding a common style? I imagine that making the models in the game fit together better doesn't mean that all the current models need to be ditched, or does it?


> It doesn't take anything away. All the buildings that are in the game are still there and if we are lucky later there will be more. If in the end the stuff we do is really crap or not worth putting in the game because its not much better, we can just dump it.

I trust it will not be crap, of course it will not be crap man, you guys are good! But the implication is that not your work will be dumped, but the previous work when you are done. It doesn't have to be like this: dump the current one or dump your redesign. Some models can be based on, can be improvements of the current models. You guys are deciding that issue now in this process. And this is the point where I am trying to convince you to (partly) base your work on what we already have.

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