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Up Topic Conquer the Deep!

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In Response to Maikel
I don't like the introduction of too many objects which almost have the same purpose. This feels like some adventure game where a player starts with a wooden sword and ends up with some titanium alloy crystal bladed killing machine. Bad comparison, but in any case there is some truth in it since in my opinion the difference between a spear and an harpoon are very little. The usage underwater can just be different, and we should be happy, we can change the graphics of the current spear and that should do it. Same for the musket, just let it accept spears as ammo and it works like an harpoon gun.

I'd really like the clonk to be this witty and inventive guy who is able to combine all kinds of objects in different situations to save himself or outsmart enemies. For example: batting a firestone is just cool, the same with speeding up an arrow using the air thingie, or getting launched by a catapult and then using a boompack to get even further are just things which make you happy if you make them work for the first time (and many more times if you outsmart an opponent with that). And I think the same should hold for some of the underwater items which are very similar to existing items.

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