Topic dynamic landscape questions
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In Response to Pyrit
I have some questions about some dyn landscape stuff.
1. I have used the lines algorythm to make a landscape, but the lines always have a random phase. (shift to left and right). I can lock the phase with a seed, but then the turbulence of the borders always stays the same.
Caesar suggested a steep sine, but how do you make lines, where the space between the lines and the thickness of the line is not the same? You could make 2 sines, where one cuts out the other, but I'm not sure how to do that.
2. I'm using sine at some other places in the landscape. Can you define a random phase for it in landscape.txt?
3. Should I use map.c? Can Mape do map.c?
1. I have used the lines algorythm to make a landscape, but the lines always have a random phase. (shift to left and right). I can lock the phase with a seed, but then the turbulence of the borders always stays the same.
Caesar suggested a steep sine, but how do you make lines, where the space between the lines and the thickness of the line is not the same? You could make 2 sines, where one cuts out the other, but I'm not sure how to do that.
2. I'm using sine at some other places in the landscape. Can you define a random phase for it in landscape.txt?
3. Should I use map.c? Can Mape do map.c?
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