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Up Topic SolidMask definition in separate file

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In Response to Sven2
I thought about reworking SolidMask definitions to come from their own graphics file instesad of checking transparency on the main graphics as it is done now.

This would have some inherent advantages:
* The engine would not need to lock definition graphics surfaces during game execution. Recently, this has caused SolidMask failure in editor mode when no viewport was open (since there was no valid OpenGL context set)
* Dedicated servers would no longer need to load graphics
* No unnecessery collision masks stored in video memory

And one disadvantage:
* Would break compatibility with old player content that is using SolidMasks. Only the EarthBrick in AngryShovels comes to my mind at the moment.

Related to bugs #300, #590 and 1007.

What do you think about this change?

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