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In Response to Maikel
I did a first round of testing, a new scenario I am making which has a very hard landscape to pass but still, after three hours of settling alone I managed to construct the following structures:
Flagpole (x2), Foundry, Sawmill, ToolsWorkshop, Elevator, Windmill, SteamEngine, InventorsLab, Armory, ChemicalLab, Pump.

So almost all relevant settlement buildings, however, it took me 3 hours, which is way to long, and most time is lost in just walking up and down again... so we did not really solve the issue of walking
around with resources at all. And why? In my opinion because:
* the structures are too expensive, especially the basic ones like flagpole, Elevator(needs 3Planks, but is essential for the lorry), Toolsworkshop needs walking around 9 times(including the tedious picking up)
* lorry is useless, you need to pick up the resource and put it into the lorry (bug: lorries don't catch carry heavy with their collection zones), so using the lorry is tedious and barely advantageous compared to just walking around.

The good thing is the clear separation between resources and items, no more having the inventory filled with lots of rocks or other materials.

If you want I can make a proposal for material costs for structures and vehicles, the way it is now is not the right balancing for sure.

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