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Up Topic [Music] My Soundtrack Project + The Spelunker-Track

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In Response to ala

I'm working on my OC-Soundtrack project again. I'll explain a few things before I talk about the music.
It's also good too see that OC already got some music by now (quite nice one actually). If both projects approach a serious quantity, perhaps developers could implant a switch in the options or something? That would be cool.

-- Personal stuff
First of all some personal stuff: Music has been tough for me, mostly because I'm having pain in my hands that won't go away since years. I'm trying to compose without an instrument these days, it's tough. There is no guaranty that it will be finished. Nevertheless I've worked already two times on this project, and there are a couple of very far composed and orchestrated songs. So there is a good chance that it actually might be finished.

-- Style:
The project style is pretty much set, I most likely won't do too many alterations on the style - but I very much welcome feedback and opinions of course. It's orchestral, and the aim is to aid the exploring and settlement part of the game (I also won't do fighting music). For this I have two groups of tracks: Upper world and Underground.

-- Production-Process:
I won't focus on production.
Production means, transform a composition into audio-material with proper instrument-libraries, recordings, sound tweaking, mixing and mastering.
I'm not to eager to produce, I'm not really good at it and lack a lot of equipment and experience. So my plan is, to actually only compose everything Full-Score for orchestra, make a quick pre-production (this file here I'll upload in a second is one), and go with this pre-productions.

If the music is finished, (say around 10+ more tracks like this), the big optional step would then be to search for a producer, who makes the sound shine. There are chances to get a upcoming students for this, also hiring a professional could be thought about. Perhaps for a couple of hundred bugs, we then would get a completely professional produced Soundtrack. That would be awesome :). But well this can be discussed once my part is finished.

-- Rights
No Open Source, or C.C. By or anything like this. All rights will remain with me, but the game can use the music without restrictions.  I told this to Newton already last year, and he was furious. But people, you have to understand that this is not a wise thing to do in music. People could steal everything also from future-works to come, they just can rely on your free-for-all stuff, and say: "Here, you already used this trick in your song here. So I'm free to copy this from your other song". I won't do that.

Alright, that sounded harsh, but I think it has to be clear what can be expected from me. So in all following track-threads, it's about the music :)

----------------- The Spelunker

The Spelunker is an underground track, focusing on exploring. I tried to aim at a small-orchestration setup, no double bass, no brass, not too big and more subtle with calm melodies.
I'm not sure with the high notes of the clarinet, but this might sound perfectly fine on a real instrument. So for now I left the high notes in.

Feedback and criticism is very welcome :) - I'm also curious if you like the general style for OC, as mentioned I have more stuff like this waiting to be finished :)

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