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In Response to Maikel
Hey guys,

I think we are again experiencing a drop in activity... and for that reason I'd already like to start discussing how we can advertise OC when we do a next major release.

I found this website where they have lots of faqs and reviews on how to promote your game.

And the most prominent methods for our game are reviews by indie sites and coverage on youtube by indie game youtubers (apparently there are more than 500 with loads of views).
To reach those people, the usual road is to email them and tell as briefly as possible about your game, including a short description, screenshots and a trailer. And of course a playable
copy of your game, but that is trivially fulfilled for our opensource game.

I was hoping that in this thread we could discuss about possible methods of advertisement and make a press kit for our game.

I have made a small page on our wiki of the most important information on our game which is the Press Kit. If you want to
make some reviewer aware of our game you can use the information from this page. Please help me keep it up to date and improve the text and screenshots.

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