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In Response to Clonk-Karl
I gave this a try; however loading most System.ocg scripts causes script errors at link time since they use identifiers that are not defined in the limited script context that mape uses, for example everything that has to do with C4Object:

ERROR: unknown identifier: SetVertex (in SetVertexXY, /home/ck/devel/openclonk/planet/System.ocg/Vertices.c:12:9)

Now, in principle, errors at link time could be ignored. They would not even show up when typing around in mape because these scripts are untouched. However, when actually trying to call a function which has such an unknown identifier in it, one only obtains an unhelpful "see above for details" error message.

Furthermore, linking all the System.ocg scripts seems to take quite some time (1-2s on my computer), which would basically add to the startup time of mape. Maybe not such a big deal.

The only System.ocg scripts which do not produce link time errors (and, therefore, I suppose are useful for Map.c scripts), are: Array.c, ClonkControl.c, Colors.c, Proplists.c.

Unfortunately there is no straightforward way to find out which scripts can be loaded in which cannot that comes to my mind. Which System.ocg scripts do you actually need? Maybe we can simply hardcode a few? Do you have a suggestion how to proceed?

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