Topic Acid Pumping Goal fulfilled but nothing happens.
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In Response to Der Mor
I just played through the Acid Pumping scenario and filled the whole basin on the right with acid (in fact it already overflows).
Maybe relevant: As I thought the scenario would succeed as soon as I had it full I had no clonk nearby to observe.
Also, I used savegames - in case that breaks anything.
What can I do?
As a side question: Whats that building doing? I can go inside, but nothing seems to happen.
I hereby license the file screenshot_openclonk_acid_overflow.jpg under the CC-BY license
I just played through the Acid Pumping scenario and filled the whole basin on the right with acid (in fact it already overflows).
Maybe relevant: As I thought the scenario would succeed as soon as I had it full I had no clonk nearby to observe.
Also, I used savegames - in case that breaks anything.
What can I do?
As a side question: Whats that building doing? I can go inside, but nothing seems to happen.
I hereby license the file screenshot_openclonk_acid_overflow.jpg under the CC-BY license
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