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In Response to Der Mor

Scenario thoughts

This was the first scenario I played through.
After having played this scenario quite long (which may be due to me being novice) I can say that it turned out quite fun if you like digging a lot (I do).
I play alone and that was sometimes a big obstacle as I got one clonk trapped somewhere unpleasant (clonk is locked and can't free himself, needs to be dug out again) and I needed to get the other clonk to this exact place with the appropriate equipment. If I had a second player that would have been nicer.

My approach was to have my stuff all at the top of the mountain. An approach I wouldn't recommend and won't use again. At least the melting hut should be at the very bottom of that thing.

The day/night cycle was annoying as it was dark it the first place and got worse at night.
While the target might be dull but it was something straight forward and the reason I chose this scenario as my first: Objective is simple the rest is training.

Also I was promised earthquakes from the description but none happened.


Turn off day/night cycle.
Start the scenario with a basic town (sawmill, workshop, melter, windmill) already in place.
Make the bottom of the map water left and right of the mountain, solid underneath. For me it added nothing to it that I could fall off as I was working inside all the time anyway. That way one can't accidentally throw off an iron ore together with lumps of stone that need disposing.

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