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Up Topic How do we get keybindings to save permanently?

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In Response to Cairn
I looked for a file to edit manually, but I can't seem to find it.

Anyhow, I change the keybindings, but every time I come back to the game, all the ones I changed are set to $0.

Of course, that's not really a problem to me, but I keep forgetting to change them every time I boot up the game, and I have to re-exit out of the game set the keybindings, and then reload the game.

Also, the ones I change set to yellow color, and are still yellow when I reboot the game and they are set too $0. I'm not sure if that signifies anything more than they aren't the default setting, but in case, I let you know.

Also, a suggestion. If there were a .txt file or something easily edited in any text editor that holds all of the key-bindings, perhaps that would be simple for the player to edit if they are having issues with keybindings staying put due to some unexpected issue.

Another thing about keybindings. I set "space" to jump, but it still activates any buildings or opens the inventory of items with inventory that I happen to be next too.

Thank you.

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