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In Response to Sven2
Picturing this, I think it's very slow to use:
* You decide to cast a spell and click (takes 200ms)
* After your first click, you have to find the menu to select the spell first. Since the menu wasn't there before, this creates a very long reaction time (probably around 500ms)
* When the spell has been selected, the menu disappears. Assuming the menu opened near the mouse cursor, it has been blocking the area you wanted to aim to. Therefore, you have to look again where to aim to (probably another 500ms)
-> 1.2 seconds to cast a spell

Compare that to people playing e.g. Floor Fight in Clonk Rage. When they cast a spell there, they just type the spell combo on the keyboard. Typing the combo is only minimally slower than just pressing a key (let's say 250ms). While you press the key combos, you can already place your mouse cursor in the target direction, making aiming practically free (the spell could just be released immediately in the direction of the mouse cursor).
-> 0.25 seconds to cast a spell

As you can see, by the numbers I made up randomly, a keyboard-based spell system is much faster.

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