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In Response to Zapper

>Zapper, can i use your magic staff and some spell from your object to include in my "magic system"?

Yes, you can use everything you want.
But I did not create the two sounds and the graphics of the two test spells and I don't know where those came from.

> And about the openclonk new control system, a menu without keyboard don't is more compatible?

I think a CR style combo system is very fast if you have a lot of spells. In my system, every spell has two or three activation modi depending on how you use it:
The force field creates a wall on click. It creates a short piece of force field below you when tapping [down] and when holding [down] to full charge, it creates a circle around you.

And most of the spells interact with each other: when you shoot an ice ball with a lightning, it turns into an ice sword!
My plan was to have a slightly slower magic system (where you charge spells) but allow for a lot of different combos with different spells.

PS: I did not test your magic system yet, so I don't know how it feels :)

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