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Up Topic Concerning the 2013-Environmental Pack

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In Response to Sven2
The objects are in OC in Decoration.ocd. I had asked him for permission when including v1, but if there's a new version he should be asked again (or put a release under CC-BY on the ClonkForge page).

They are used by the following scenarios:
* Mission: The Raid - a few objects (scarecrow, guidepost, tree trunks)
* Mission: DarkCastle - heavily used in the castle
* Mission: Treasure Hunt - painting, guidepost, bridge, bag, lantern, tree trunks, wine barrel, crate

It's also used in the "Colorful Lights" Test scenario.

Please note that when objects are removed or the ID is renamed, all scenarios using them break completely, because Objects.c no longer compiles. I think I should include a safety there, but that's relatively hard to implement (e.g.: Catch the "name not defined" error, remove that line and if it contains a variable assignment, remove all lines using the variable).

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