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Up Topic Overview: HUD changes

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In Response to Sven2
Concerning multiple clonks, you are right that it is currently rarely used. I already changed the beginner missions to single clonks and respawn at the nearest flagpole (Free+unlimited in the newbie missions; I believe Maikel has put a cost on it in the worlds).

It is also true that the "safety clonk" mechanism is not that useful in OC.

However, this concerns newbie missions and newbie gameplay only. There are still a lot of more advanced strategies both for settlement and for melee:
* Disconnected settlement bases. E.g.: A home base with power production and a long elevator shaft down into the volcano. You keep one clonk in the home base and another goes down to mine. The clonk in the base repairs wind generator after lightning strikes, puts fresh coal into the power plant, feeds the wipfs to continue running the treadmills, etc. Without the extra clonk, when power collapses, the clonk down in the mine is just lost.
* Another example: Having one base for production and distant mining connected by e.g. trains or cable lorries. You want one clonk at the mining base, filling the lorries, then send them off to the home base where products are refined. But the products can travel while you continue mining and you don't want to twiddle thumbs sitting on that cable car all the time.
* Melees: Clonks for strategic protection. Classic example: A clonk with a bow stands on top of the castle and you switch to that clonk if an attacker comes.
* Melees: Clonks for attack and defend. If you play 1vs1 with bases, you attack and the enemy counterattacks, there is no way to defend your base (which effectively reduces most melees to 1on1 combat). Even if you play 2v2, you would strictly need one attacker and one defender. Otherwise, your base is defenseless once you start a joined attack. Allowing multiple clonks gives you more options.
* Melees: Building outposts. We do not have good buildings for this yet, but I'm sure they will come. Having an extra clonk at an outpost is a nice strategical move.

These are all "pro" features and some of them seem far off at the moment, but more complex and strategic scenarios are coming and having the option of multiple clonks adds to the depth of the game. Managing multiple clonks was a defining factor of good players in scenarios like CoFuT in Clonk Rage. We shouldn't remove it just because it's not a newbie feature.

I agree though that having multiple clonks doesn't need that much UI consideration and we don't need to waste too many hotkeys on clonk management. I also think we can change the worlds and give only one starting clonk plus enough gold for a respawn in the normal worlds. Maybe expert worlds such as Acid Gold Mine can have two from the start because you might die before having built a flagpole.

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