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Up Topic 7.0 - Release Planning

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In Response to Clonkonaut

The branch for the stable release 7.0 is here!

Release date should be in December without a more concrete date as of yet. The release will be in accordance to the OC Milestone Project, instantiated and put forwards by the clonkspot people, finishing its first Milestone today.

Until December I will maintain the release branch, cherrypick all polishing, bugfixes and safe features everyone contributes. Of course, everyone can help me do that by either picking sane changes or point out in this thread which changes should be included.

There is still some content developed by the Milestone team waiting on github I intend to include in the release. Apart from that, feel free to point out any feature you want to finish until then. For the stable branch though, I declare feature freeze!

Right now there are 223 open bugs in the bugtracker. Let's get start working. I'd say the big things are any bugs related to Lights and the GUI. Biggest missing feature on the GUI is Drag&Drop.

Bugtracker Roadmap

RC 3:

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