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In Response to Clonkonaut
We do have quite a lot of severe bugs, some of which a fairly old and maybe fixed by now(?), regarding intel graphics chips:

"snowing" by black pixels with Intel IGD
Crash on loading scenario with Intel IGD
Crash on starting round with Intel IGD
Crash on starting round with Intel 82945G Express Chipset
Game crashes on scenario start with Intel G33/G31 Express Chipset
Crash in Nightly Build with Intel IGD
Two crashes while playing
Tabbing out and in with fullscreen results in crash with Intel IGD

The introduction from Milligold
This thread by Zura

I can confirm that with an HD 2000 chipset, the game still looks like this:

Now, I am opening this thread to ask you what our 'official' statement regarding Intel chipsets will be. I suspect that with the upcoming release having more and more shader features, we could face more crash reports like these. Are we to say that we don't officially support Intel GPUs and what works, that works. Maybe even that people having problems should either stick around and wait for a dev to do some extensive testing together with them or otherwise their bugs won't get fixed.
Or are we still trying to make it work on as many system as possible, implemented workarounds and so on, trying to get whatever information we can by asking again and again?

If we decide to drop Intel support, we can write this prominently on the website. Right now, it would probably just be honest as many Intel driven systems can't run OC.

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