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Up Topic 7.0 - Release Planning

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In Response to Armin
We used OpenClonk 7.0 RC2 to play Missions\Skylands last sunday. We noted four bugs.
1. The sky was blinking like grazy. Im sure there is a tiny mistake in the last time object patch. Should be easy to solve. Mb compare:
2. After the sawmill sawed a bunch of trees, it stopped working. There was a sound loop and it was not possible to use the building. Maybe the sawmill was confused because we threw too many trees in front of the sawmill?
3. The workshop had no energy when I tried to build a pick axe. Edit: All other buildings had energy and the windmill was rotating well.
4. Once I called the elevator: The elevator came down to me but didn't stop at my Clonk's position. Instead, it went further down to a location where nobody was.

Expect of the little elevator problem, these were 3 things where the host was forced to use scripts.
I will upload the replay later.

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