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Up Topic Some Questions about Source Code

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In Response to Anonymous

I am trying to get a general gist on how the source code works, specifically in finding out the exact file/function that deals with

1) the movement speed of shoveling underground
2) the speed of cutting down a tree
3) the attack speed of the bow. 

Relating to 2) 3)
From what I searched, it seems like the function/classes involved in player movement is under master/src/control/C4PlayerControl.cpp
the ExecuteControl() and Execute() functions are related to judging when the keys are being pressed down and doing the action, but where would the info be about specifically
the object axe, and executing axe moves to cut tree?  Or the executing bow and arrow?

Relating to 1)
Under src/object/C4Movement.cpp, I see the function DoMovement()...  Is this the code for shoveling underground?

Thank you in advance

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