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In Response to Marky
I'll use this thread for my feedback as well. In the bugtracker I already have an issue #1614 where I requested/suggested some sort of quick-use control. I will talk about this only in short here. Positive feedback will be at the end :)

Negative. When I am talking about "seconds" in this, then it is my impression and maybe slower computer. The game runs fast in editor mode, in player mode it runs fluidly but slow:
- Digging animation. You seem to slow down at the end of the cycle, which makes sense, but it is frustrating to be "frozen in one spot" for about 1 second again and again.
- Hangling animation, same as digging animation. Looks nice, but I am hangling more cautiously than in other clonk games. The "swinging" should be played only when you stop hangling, imo.
- Chopping trees: It is really annoying that I have to hold the mouse button, approx. 5 seconds, in order to keep chopping and actually finish chopping the tree.
- Using the axe: The clonk uses the axe in the direction he is looking. My expection was that he would turn around and swing if I click behind the clonk.
- Contents menu: Every time I use it the GUI completely blocks everything on screen. I would like to see what is going on. This makes the game feel like a platforming game while I gather resources, and like an administration tool that is disconnected from the game when I actually do something with the resources.
- Interaction menu: The interactions in previous releases where more accessible, imo. It is nice that it tells you about more than one interaction, but I want to see all options at once. Now I have to completely cycle through all options to see them, remember which position it was at approximately and cycle there again. The context menu from Clonk Rage was not that bad actually ;) Holding space and displaying the interactions was also good.
- Interaction menu: It seems that the contents menu is also called interaction menu sometimes. This is a little confusing. For example: I open the contents menu so that I can disconnect pipes from the pump. Why (obviously because the display with information is a lot better than the interaction menu)? I cannot connect pipes to the pump in the contents menu, though, instead I have to close it, select the pipe and use it near the pump. Why?

Why does this feedback come so late, even though many things have been like that earlier? This has some reasons that will lead us to the positive feedback:
- Previously the game did not offer good settlement options, which was the main reason for me not to play it too long.
- Previously the game looked very mashed together when it came to graphics, which was not pleasing to look at for longer times.
- The two-hand control of the inventory prevented me from playing the game for longer periods of time.
- Consequently I did not play the game for more than ~5 minutes, so many things were not that noticeable. Digging once, or chopping one tree is interesting, but if I do not have to do this repeatedly, then it is also not annoying.
- There were some non-trivial changes in the scripting interface, so I have to adjust my projects (user created content) repeatedly.
- Mesh graphics of items look too clunky and or sterile in the menus. For example the metal barrel looks strange/ugly in the menu.
- Constructing buildings with mesh graphics looks strange. The wireframe preview makes me think about computer graphics, also the completed building sometimes starts in the half ground and rises up. Looks very very strange.

Finally, the positive feedback:
- The launcher / player mode is really good now. Especially scenario parameters are a good idea. The perfect mix between being able to adjust everything (Clonk Rage) or nothing (previously)
- The launcher music is interesting :)
- Controls have improved!
- The game is very atmospheric at night, the zap nests that are hanging from trees look nice. The swimming fish and corals are really cool.
- Wipfs!
- The new materials are really great. Decorations such as the flowers and branches look very nice, too.
- A lot of scenarios to play.

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