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In Response to Matthias

>I do not understand this fear of getting bad reviews. So what?

Don't mistake my position: I'm not against making ourselves seen, advertisment or encouraging people to join us. I just think for the game and the current state of development, steam in particular is not the right audience. Steam Greenlight isn't asking "hey do you like this project and want to work with them to get it finished?", it's asking "will you download this game from our platform when it is released" - and ultimately, it's releasing on steam that I fear. If we ever want to make an "entrance" on steam, we only got one shot, at least that is how I percieve it. And I, at least, would be sad if we paid money to get on there, and there were 990 (your other 99%) negative reviews and a big red thumb at our game, just to have us sit there and say "yeah well maybe we should have polished X first".

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