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In Response to Matthias
Just to be extra sure I want to repeat what I said above: You can't "release on Greenlight". You can submit your game to greenlight (which costs money) and then do one of two things:
* One, orchestrate a campain, tend to the project site, answer questions, look at the messages, advertise the campaign all over social media to get attention where you answer messages again (which is a lorry full of work).
* Two, do nothing and just pray to the lords of kobol that your project gets enough views and isn't pushed out by newer titles too soon and is getting enough thumbs up.
There is no (obvious) rule when you get greenlit, but reading the one or the other article about it suggests they really put a lot of effort in.

We ourselves even lack the possibility to advertise the campaign to a broader range of people because we have no social media following which we could activate. But we could start there: Create a twitter account, link our blog posts there, create a facebook page and use our personal accounts to share them from there. We could do that on each new blog post. I'm positive that this would get us a lot more attention, maybe some subscribers we could activate later and maybe even some hobbyist devs.
And it costs no money. We didn't even update cost-free desura properly, having a nealy invisible project site which costs money will not help.

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