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In Response to Clonkonaut
I can't find any reliable statement on OpenGL support on the WiiU. Do you have the information perhaps?

Apart from that we need to make sure that Gamepad support works 100% fine. I.e. you can do everything in the game (not only play it but also use the menus) (granted, there is the touchscreen on Wii U). Especially our menus are very 'computery' and not optimised for ease of access like what console players are used to. With lack of animation or similar eye candies are menus are very conservative. ;) But that's something we can neglect.

Thinking of menus that would need attention, I immediately see three examples (but further thinking / looking through the game might turn up more): Player creation with mouse-centered inputs and player name selection (on Wii U you would probably use the current nintendo account name). Also the whole player selection subscreen which even on PC is not something tremendously handy (we skimmed a lot of features it was good for). Streamlining these menus may even be a good idea for PC. The last example is the ingame menu (or 'f' menu) which is even horrible on PC. It is kinda bad that a lot of options are in there but not in the main game options even if those only affect ingame visuals. It's also very tiny.

We would also have to work on the options menu in general, removing a lot of graphical features or customisable button specs and just use sane defaults.

And then we'd have to think about what we offer console players. Currently, without splitscreen, I'm thinking of singleplayer only. Hosting games on a console is just 'something you don't do' with these platforms. Port configuration is out of the question. Also, a lobby with chat and everything is again very PC-centered and chatting in general might not get approval by Nintendo (Nintendo shooter Splatoon won't have voice chat due to online negativity, creator says). It's also akward for console players to chat via virtual keyboard. Without any kind of matchmaking mechanism, I really think we are left with singleplayer / local multiplayer only.
The latter has be fixed at first.
The former requires us to exclude Arena.ocf and Parkour.ocf from Wii U builds and also make sure that things like Defense.ocf are absolutely fine with just one player. Everything else has to be hardened for 'no online help' gameplay. You can't just log in and ask where the secret lever in Treasure Hunt is.

We also have to think about the question if we really want to invest that much effort into the Wii U (or to be precise: the person(s) actually doing the work will have to think about this). The Wii U will very likely be decommissioned this year and due to lack of information you can't know if upwards compatibility is guaranteed.

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