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Up Topic OC for WiiU?

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In Response to Sven2

> I can't find any reliable statement on OpenGL support on the WiiU. Do you have the information perhaps?

I always assumed that. Here it says it's OpenGL (but consumers ask for DirectX for some reason):

> Thinking of menus that would need attention, I immediately see three examples

Concerning the contents of a console version: Yes it would be a reduced version mostly aimed at single player. I also think internet games aren't our strongest selling point because they tend to run so laggy when you just play with random people.

The main options menu would not be in the console version I think. The only options I could think of would be music on/off. And even that I wouldn't consider necessery.

It would require some polishing which isn't just "console only" (like e.g. the menus, as you mentioned). Improving the InGame options. But the amount of content is perfectly fine I think.

> We also have to think about the question if we really want to invest that much effort into the Wii U (or to be precise: the person(s) actually doing the work will have to think about this). The Wii U will very likely be decommissioned this year and due to lack of information you can't know if upwards compatibility is guaranteed.

That's sad. Maybe for the next console then? I don't think there are typically 180 degree changes between the APIs. I fear that if we never start to try and make a polished version, we will never have an attractive game. It's always more exciting to add cool new, experimental things than finishing the old gripes that have been around for years. But these old problems keep being mentioned in our (youtube) "reviews".

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