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In Response to ala
Since this was discussed as a feature wish at the beginning of the milestone:

In the milestone the basic idea was that the CR-like structures "Bamboo hut, wood hut, stone hut" all share the same blueprint. That would also apply to palisades and castle parts, and a gold and a stone idol. The idea was to avoid awkward moments in CR: where you had 4 wood and a stone for a wood hut, but accidently build a stone hut, and had to resign. Buildings gets a bit more flexible. OC doesn't have any of those at the moment.

However I could imagine some use, for example:

-high teer items needing either a emerald or a ruby (or diamond).
-Clothing parts (diving helmet, balloon) needing either cotton or animal fur.
-buildings in different strength modifiers, bridge segments out of  wood and lets say segments out of metal
-the mentioned ice instead of water in a blueprint also sounds logical to me

In that regard OC would gain a bit more freedom something I would like to support.

However I agree with you, that things should be kept simple. So that should be a high priority in the code and the UI if the feature is created.

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